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It’s hard to distinguish the quality of silicone r...

It’s hard to distinguish the quality of silicone rubber??? Know these points and promise not to be cheated! What is silicone? This is the first step we need to understand:Its main component is siliocne, amorphous silicone, chemically stable, resistant to high and low temperatures. from its state there are granular (grain silica gel), concrete (mixed rubber), liquid (liquid silicone rubber). Now,let’s us know the liquid silicone rubber is good or bad.   First, you need have a clear cognizing choose the type of silicone. Condensation liquid silicone rubber or additive liquid silicone rubber? Method one: Let the supplier provide organic tin or platinum fixed line,If this information cannot be obtained from the supplier,then through another method. Method two: The proportion of liquid silicone rubber is also relatively easy to know.Unless you are using a special custom liquid silicone rubber material,Condensed type liquid silicone rubber is also called industrial grade silicone rubber. Due to the presence of organotin in the curing agent, it cannot pass the food FDA certification, the ratio is generally 100:3 or 10:1 (individual electronic glue);The addition of liquid silicone rubber is based on the platinum catalyst as the reaction system, so it is environmental protection through the food FDA and even medical grade certification,the ratio is generally 1:1 or 10:1 (common in highly transparent injection adhesive type).     Second, the judgment based on odor. Regardless of the curing agent, the silicone liquid itself is without any pungent odor. No matter what the color is, there is a sense of lightness. If the liquid silicone you get has a heavier taste, it must be recycled waste or Impure organosilicon raw materials produced. Third,the exquisite degree of liquid colloid. Good quality colloid is fine and free of impurities.using your finger rubs against the silicone,there is no granular or floating material. On the contrary, if the colloid is dull with granular impurities, it indicates that the grinding process is not do well or the raw material contains impurities.     Fourth,tearing after forming The tearing is related to the performance requirements of the industry, but overall, compared with the industry, two silicone molded pieces are illustrated by the fact that tearing the length of the application is better/not easy to break/small deformation after tearing, etc.It is relatively good.     Is it so easy,right? yes, it is so easy.

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